Monday, March 31, 2014

Sunday, March 30, 2014

2014 Interdisciplinary Graduate & Professional Symposium

This week, April 3rd and 4th, will be the 2014 Interdisciplinary Graduate & Professional Symposium. We have two MCIPers participating this year - Kenneth Eum (Laboratory of Dr. Jon Sack) is doing an oral presentation and Heather Clifton (Laboratory of Dr. Saul Schaeffer) is doing a poster presentation. Go show your support! Please see the calendar attachment (on the right side panel of this blog) for specific times and other activities throughout this two day event held at the UC Davis Conference Center.

First Faculty Dinner of 2014 with Dr. Paul Allen

Hi MCIPers!
If you haven't done so already, please reply to the doodle poll (linked below) to help set a date for the first faculty dinner of 2014 with Dr. Paul Allen!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Picnic Day

100th Annual Picnic Day!!!!

In just over two weeks UC Davis will celebrate Picnic Day for the 100th time. It is a great tradition for Aggie's and Aggie friends. It is a free event, with free parking! This  event will take place on Saturday, April 12, 2014.
For more information, go to:

Monday, March 17, 2014

Social Event - Karaoke Night

It's time for another social event! Come celebrate the end of the quarter or take a break from lab with your fellow MCIPers!

What: Karaoke
When: Tuesday, March 18th @ 9:00PM
Where: G-Street Wunderbar