Recognizes demonstrated superior scholarly achievement and promise for teaching and research
- Kristi Hamilton (Raybould Lab) 2015-16
- Tingting Liu (Knowlton Lab) 2014-15
- Kate Watson (Ferrara Lab) 2013-14
- Amanda Klein (Carstens Lab) 2012-13
- Fan Yang (J. Zheng Lab) 2011-12
- Padmini Sirish (Chiamvimonvat Lab) 2010-11
- Tina Lam (O'Donnell Lab) 2009-10
- James Stice (Knowlton Lab) 2008-09
- Laura Higins (Rutledge Lab) 2008-09
- Larissa Eiselein (Rutledge Lab) 2007-08
- Linda Barter (Antognini Lab) 2006-07
Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award:
Recognizes the contributions of graduate students to teaching and learning at UC Davis
- Philip Matern (Bodine Lab) 2013
- Monica Watson (Furlow Lab) 2012
- Darren Hwee (Bodine Lab) 2010
- Linda Barter (Antognini Lab) 2007
- Robin Altman (Rutledge Lab) 2007
Dean's Mentorship Award:
The Dean's Mentorship Award was created to help support both graduate and undergraduate students in their research and to honor the efforts of graduate students who mentor those around them. Graduate student winners are nominated by their faculty advisor and chosen by a committee to receive the award. In addition, they are then able to divide an additional award among the undergraduate students who work with them in the lab.
- Shannamar Dewey (Gomes Lab) 2013
- Kristina Bezold (Harris Lab) 2012
Irving I Hertzendorf Memorial Award:
Awarded to students for outstanding qualities as a scholar and a humanitarian
- Nick Klug (O'Donnell Lab) 2016
- Nicholas Aguirre (Baar Lab) 2015
- Kristina Hamilton (Raybauld Lab) 2014
- Shannamar Dewey (Gomes Lab) 2013
- Katherine Watson (Ferrara Lab) 2012
- Amanda Klein (Carstens Lab) 2011
- Breanna Wallace (O'Donnell Lab) 2010
- Kimberly Barnholt (Rutledge Lab) 2009
- Robin Altman (Rutledge Lab) 2008
- Linda Barter (Antognini Lab) 2007
Max Kleiber Graduate Research Prize:
Awarded annually in recognition of the most outstanding research dissertation in the areas of nutrition and metabolism with the emphasis that the recipient has demonstrated superior scholarly achievement and promise in research.
- Tingting Liu (Knowlton Lab) 2015
- Katherine Watson (Ferrara Lab) 2012
- Sassan Rafizadeh (Chiamvimonvat Lab) 2011
Northern California Chapter of the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Award (ARCS):
The ARCS Foundation Northern California Chapter provides scholarships to academically outstanding United States citizens studying to complete their degrees in science, medicine, and engineering, thereby contributing to the worldwide advancement of science and technology.
- Karine Schaal (Casazza Lab) 2014
- Kristina Bezold (Harris Lab) 2012
- Shannamar Dewey (Gomes Lab) 2011-2012
Travel Awards:
- Kristi Hamilton (Raybould lab) received a Graduate Student Travel Award from the Office of Graduate Studies
- Tingting Liu (Knowlton Lab) from Seahorse Biosciences for her presentation 2012