Today let's celebrate the life of Ken. He was a scientist, a teacher, and most of all a friend. He got the most out of life with successful research, mastering Taekwondo, being an active church member, managing his house, caring for his dog, and helping others whenever possible. Ken had a huge heart. He was very thoughtful and was always there to celebrate in people's accomplishments or be a shoulder to cry on. He knew how to enjoy life and was always ready to have fun and try new things. Ken was an amazing person. He will be missed.
There really are no words to describe what a horrific loss this tragedy is. If you haven't heard the news until now, here's a link for more info:
Lets come together as members of MCIP and support one another as we grieve. UC Davis also has good support groups for times like these:
Happy Birthday Ken. Thanks for being a great friend and showing us all how to fully live and love life!