Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer Dinner with the Faculty Reminder

Hi MCIPers,

Just a reminder that the summer faculty dinner with Dr. Veronica Martinez Cerdeno and her husband Dr. Stephen Noctor is THIS SATURDAY August 23rd from 5-7:30pm at Oak Grove Park. Dinner will be Ludy's BBQ and topic will be on work life balance and going to graduate school in another country. 

If you haven't RSVP'd to the doodle poll already, here is the link:  http://doodle.com/g6se2qaqifgy4z89

Monday, August 11, 2014

Recent MCIP Publications!

Twice a year we like to highlight the work that MCIP students are working on and this year we have been busy! Below are a list of recent publications including a few MCIP student collaborations, and a few individuals with multiple publications. Please join me in celebrating our fellow MCIPers!

George Todd, Casey Boosalis, AND Michael Steinman :
Towards Neuronal Organoids: A Method for Long-Term Culturing of High-Density Hippocampal Neurons

Natalie Yuen, Breanna Wallace, AND Nick Klug:
Ischemic factor-induced increases in cerebral microvascular endothelial cell Na/H exchange activity and abundance: evidence for involvement of ERK1/2 MAP kinase.

George Todd AND Casey Boosalis:
Reevaluation of the evolutionary events within recA/RAD51 phylogeny

Dan Bedinger:
Improved glucose metabolism in vitro and in vivo by an allosteric monoclonal antibody that increases insulin receptor binding affinity.
Inhibition of insulin receptor function by a human, allosteric monoclonal antibody: a potential new approach for the treatment of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia.

Chris Cox:
Myelin injury and degraded myelin vesicles in Alzheimer's disease.
RNA-based blood genomics as an investigative tool and prospective biomarker for ischemic stroke.

George Crocker:
Effects of oleic acid-induced lung injury on oxygen transport and aerobic capacity.
Hypoxia and CO alter O2 extraction but not peripheral diffusing capacity during maximal aerobic exercise.

Jesse Krause:
Estradiol differentially affects auditory recognition and learning according to photoperiodic state in the adult male songbird, European starling (Sturnus vulgaris)
Changes in plasma concentrations of progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone and corticosterone in response to acute stress of capture, handling and restraint in two subspecies of white-crowned sparrows.

Hannah Aizad :
Differing leukocyte gene expression profiles associated with fatigue in patients with prostate cancer versus chronic fatigue syndrome.

Heather Clifton:
Nicotinic acid activates the capsaicin receptor TRPV1: Potential mechanism for cutaneous flushing.

Nicole Coggins
Pancreatic T cell protein-tyrosine phosphatase deficiency ameliorates cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis.

Tony Herren:
CaMKII-dependent regulation of cardiac Na(+) homeostasis.

Tingting Liu:
Mitochondrial proteome remodeling in ischemic heart failure.

Colin McCoin:
Acylcarnitines activate proinflammatory signaling pathways.

 Adam Ross:
The emerging roles of ribosome biogenesis in craniofacial development.

Brittani Wood:
β-adrenergic signaling inhibits Gq-dependent protein kinase D activation by preventing protein kinase D translocation.

Please go to our "Publications" tab to view previous other works from MCIPers!

Adam Ross's Exit Seminar

You're invited to:

Adam Ross (Zarbalis Lab) Exit Seminar

Title: “Novel insight into the role of ribosomopathies in craniofacial development”
When: Tuesday, August 26th 2:00 p.m.
Where: Shriner’s Hospital, Room 667 (6th floor conference room)


Saturday, August 9, 2014

MCIPer's Receive Awards!


Kate Watson for receiving the Max Kleiber Graduate Research Prize 2014

Karine Schaal for receiving an Achievement Rewards for College Sciences (ARCS) award

Way to go Kate and Karine!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Summer Dinner with the Faculty

Hi everyone,
Kristi had sent out an email via doodle poll a week ago (July 30th) to get an idea of the times people are available for our summer dinner with the faculty event. If you don't know already, our faculty host this time will be Dr. Veronica Marinez Cerdeno and her husband Dr. Stephen C. Noctor (who happens to be looking for a graduate student to join his lab). This will be a BBQ so come hang out! 

Monday, August 4, 2014

MCIP Summer potluck

Come catch up with other MCIPers at our summer potluck! Bring a side dish, desert, snack, or beverages to share.

When: Monday August 11th at 7:00 PM (guaranteed to be less than 100 F at this time of day)

See you there!