Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lab Tour Request Friday April 11th in the afternoon

Shannamar needs some help! Please see her request below!

Hi hi MCIPers.
I'm hoping Nick will email you this little note so I can beg a lab tour or two (actually hoping for four) on the Friday before picnic day (April 11th).  We would also love it if some of you would join us for dinner that night and/or lunch the next day. 

Oh, yes, who are "we" I was somehow bullied into being the academic adviser for the newly formed student lead research club on campus here. These kids just want to see real life research, a big fancy university and interact with real scientists. They are the motivated, transfer bound science nerds of the community college where I now work and they are actually a fun group. We should be about 10 people strong. A tour could be as mundane as a ten minute walk through or as cool as the opportunity to watch some exciting lab action- anybody pipetting extremely small volumes of something into a microfuge tube?. Any exposure to lab life and inner workings would be fabulous.

We'd probably be looking to fill the time between 1 and 5 or 2 and 5, something like that b/c we are driving up that morning. We really are also hoping to take a small group out to dinner with us as well, could be the tour guides or different volunteers.

Thanks for considering sharing your valuable time with us! I hope you all are doing well. I miss you guys!

Oh yes, please respond to either my Davis email or shannamard@cos.edu

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